“Beware of men!” Thus begins a theme that perhaps the apostles had not expected: the truth will prove controversial.
Some will love it and accept it readily, and these are our brethren. But some, to be sure, will oppose it, even violently.
Jesus here warns the apostles what to expect, and how to overcome opposition to the message from God. In His teaching, He draws on the Psalms and the prophets to show them that persecution is nothing new and that people of faith were able to overcome it in the past by God's help. His use of the Old Testament gives us endurance and hope, as well (Romans 15:4).
In the final analysis, we who teach others must be mentally prepared for the possibility that people will not like what they're hearing. If you are accurately representing Scripture, any negative reaction that may come about is not a reaction to you, but to what God says. Jesus put it simply to Nicodemus:
John 3:19–21This is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.
The scholars who generated the parallel Gospels placed several readings from other episodes alongside the current reading in Matthew 10. Since these other readings are themselves the lead text in future episodes, we now omit them in favor of addressing them in their own right.
Section | Episode | Lead Text | Cited Parallel |
7. The Sermon on the Plain (According to Luke) | 5. On Judging | Luke 6:37–42 | Matthew 10:24 (Luke 6:40) |
10. Last Journey to Jerusalem (According to Luke) | 25. The Assistance of the Holy Spirit | Luke 12:11–12 | Matthew 10:19–20 |
14. The Olivet Discourse | 3. Persecutions Foretold | Matthew 24:9–14 Mark 13:9–13 Luke 21:12–19 |
Matthew 10:17–23 |
16. The Passion Narrative | 5. Washing the Disciples' Feet | John 13:1–20 | Matthew 10:24–25 (John 13:16) |